Don’t let your reputation and skill fool you. A good marketing strategy will help you succeed in any business. Small firms may lack the luxury of a dedicated marketing department, but your business doesn’t have to be expensive or overwhelming. Here are some proven tips to market your small law office without spending a lot of money.
Search Engine Optimization is a Good Investment
Spending money on marketing is a waste if you don’t have a plan for Search Engine Optimization. You could spend all the money and energy on a website, but it will be useless without implementing an SEO strategy. If you want potential clients to discover your website, it must be visible when they search for legal services or law firms. To ensure a steady stream of business, you need to hire an SEO professional who will make sure that your website contains the correct keywords and attracts the appropriate people.
Create a free lawyer listing on a platform like Avvo
It’s a no-brainer. Avvo is a popular tool used by potential clients to find lawyers. Avvo is one of the many search platforms available. It offers free listings, which allows you to get your name in front of potential clients.
Law Firm Marketing: Seven Top Tips for marketing your firm
In DIY law firm promotion, it is important to attend networking events and make time to network with other professionals. You won’t get a client at every networking event, but if you make connections with other professionals in your area, your chances are much higher that someone will recommend you to a friend or colleague who needs legal help.
Word of Mouth Marketing: Never Underestimate Its Power
Personal recommendations are always and will always be a marketing goldmine. From positive reviews on Yelp (r), to an ex-client recommending your service to a friend. You will benefit from any way that you can encourage these personal recommendations. Make it easy for your clients to share the word. Offer a discount or a link that allows them to leave a Yelp review at the end of a project.
Be a resource for people looking for advice
Becoming a trusted expert in your field is as simple as sharing articles relevant to your expertise on social media or speaking at events. Speaking engagements and digital strategies, such as blogging on topics that are important to your audience or sharing interesting articles on social networks are excellent ways to achieve this. Consider yourself as a potential client: What information would you like to receive? What topics or resources would you find useful?
Keep track of the numbers
Visitors to your site are not converting to clients. You spend time on social media sharing your blog posts, but very few people click? It is important to keep track of how different marketing tactics perform. As you learn about your audience and grow, you will need to adjust or completely redesign any marketing strategies. Be sure to keep track of your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy if it isn’t working.
Do not let the thought of marketing without marketing departments overwhelm you. You can find a lot of resources online that are just waiting to get used. You can achieve more than you thought possible by utilizing the free online marketing tools, building relationships with people in your network, and monitoring how your strategy performs.